Sunday, June 12, 2011

Baconators and you... Well, me anyway

Fast food is great and all if you're on the run and have no time to rush home to make something to eat or can't wait around for food at a diner but after witnessing the most grotesque thing I have ever laid eyes on, I feel my fast food love drain out of me.

First off, a Wendy's Double Baconator combo comprised of medium fries and Coca-Cola has a total of 1600 calories, 79g of fat, and 2300mg of sodium. I could have added more info but that should be enough to show that it's unhealthy for the most part.  Now, add that it's probably broiled in 2 pounds of grease and you get a big burger that tastes like heaven although it looks terrible and don't get me started on the bun. Actually, that's where I'm headed next anyway.

The bun, it collects the leftover grease, steam, whatever liquid it can get its non-existent hands on so you get this nice shine when it opens and it can also slide to reveal the greasy meat inside when it's unwrapped. It also seems to be a bit too small for the burger, perhaps the grease and steam shrunk it down and makes it wrinkle-y? Believe me, it's not a pretty sight. 

"If you hate it so much why do you eat it?" Why do I eat it? Because I haven't had one in a long time and felt like a change. But now I think I'll just stick with Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers or Double Cheese Burgers from McDonalds because they are not as gross looking as a Baconator may be.

Do you have any fast food stories? Baconator experience? Anything humorous, serious or just plain gross? Feel free to share, I need a good laugh