Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bullying: a harsh reality

Now, this is what really made me excited: The following article was rejected from the website twice for reasons including the writing style wasn't formal enough and not enough depth into the background. Finally though they accepted it after 4 days (!!)

Bullying is unfortunately a common part of today’s life, and has been for a long while. It can be seen just about everywhere; schools, workplaces, and even public places such as malls and coffee shops.

Bullies, typically use three basic forms to torment their victims: physical, verbal, and emotional bullying.

Physical bullying includes punching, spitting, hair-pulling, kicking and slapping. This is the form that leaves physical evidence of abuse. If Johnny walked up and started hitting Joe in the face, that would be physical.

Verbal bullying includes name calling, yelling, and threatening. While it leaves no physical bruises, it results in a mental scar that is harder to heal. If Sally calls Suzie names behind her back then that is a form of bullying, even though it may not be said directly to Suzie.

Emotional bullying mainly occurs towards family or people in relationships. It can include threats of violence, suicide or even leaving the partner if he or she doesn't do what the other wants. If Jack tells Jill he is going to commit suicide if Jill leaves him, he is emotionally bullying her by trying to make her feel guilty in order to get his way.

Unfortunately suicide isn’t uncommon among people who have been bullied. Jenna Bowers, a beautiful, talented singer and songwriter from Nova Scotia, committed suicide because her peers were bullying her using the internet – cyber bullying. She was not alone; there were a several cases within a couple of months here in Nova Scotia.

Cyber bullying can take many forms. You may be familiar with a popular website called _Formspring_. Due to its option to allow users to remain anonymous while asking questions, the site has really opened the doors for even more cyber bullying.

What I personally would like to see is more laws against bullying. In my school, for example, if you are caught bullying you get a couple of days of suspension before you are back into normal classes, where you can just start bullying again. I believe older individuals, from middle school age and up, should be charged for bullying. If this was you, how would you react?

Thanks my friends for reading and please help battle bullying wherever you may be.

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