Friday, May 27, 2011

First Article on Suite101

Hello. I've decided to try and make more money writing by writing for multiple sites. I've signed up for and just had my first article published here. So my plan, maybe, is to post my opinion articles on ViewsHound and all others on that site unless I could actually find a site that is willing to pay up front for articles like mine. Thanks =)

Link again


  1. Hey man, I'm not a stalker or anything. I just realised that I've commented on 3 of your articles on Viewshound so I guess I must have some interest in the things that you write about.

    Just wondering how Suite101 worked out for you? You have to use previously unpublished work, is that right?

    Sorry for the questions, I'm just looking to make a bit of money through writing as well.

  2. Hello =)

    Yeah, your name is pretty familiar with me now lol

    Suite101 so far for me was not worth it, I've only gotten 8 views for my first article and a total of 0 dollars. It may be worth it if you can post lots of articles but I'm not a fan of the fan views, either bad advertising or they're not so great. It may be good for ad revenue but I'm just going to stick to ViewsHound at the moment.

    And yes, all original work that was not published anywhere else even if it's a variation of an article you've written on another site so I wrote my "gay article" for Viewshound and a hate in general article for Suite101 and let me tell you, 8 views on Suite101 and 500+ on ViewsHound? Kind of self explanatory if you're looking for views.

    And no worries, I love questions as long as they're not related to Shakespeare or Math =P Give me a shout if you find a good site for money making. Try Yahoo Contributor (I think) if you're a resident of the US you can submit articles to them and they can pay you up front if they're interested.

  3. You might want to check out, there people post requests for lots of things that they need done like mobile app developers, website designers, advertisers, writers for various subjects where you need to write 5-10 500 word articles daily. You must bid on the articles (I think it's like, the pay you want for your work) and the requester chooses the ones he or she is interesting in. Good luck ;-)

    I'd love some more money lol, I've won a total of $60 on ViewsHound alone, mix that with some other sites and I've got a good system going hehe

  4. If you want to get your viewership up on Suite 101, submit the article to reddit. It's free to register but a bit of a pain in the arse to use. I had an article on the UFC which had virtually no views on Viewshound and after submission to reddit, it went over 500. You just need to pick the right place to put the link.

    I'll check those sites out. I'm not a US citizen so I guess Yahoo is out of the question but Freelancer sounds appealing (If maybe a little too much work for me).

  5. Really? Man, I'd love to get views, I usually get about 100 on some articles but the controversial ones get up to 300-400 in a day. I usually just use Digg which does help some. Thanks, I'll start using Reddit too. Freelancer did sound good to me at first until I saw all the work lol, I have a hard enough time writing an article a week let alone 5 a day =S Most of them want professionals also so I might give it a try after I graduate and take a writing course in community college.
