Monday, May 30, 2011

New articles

Bonjour, comment sa-va?

I have just recently written 3 new articles -in the same day no less, that'll keep me from writing for a good two weeks =) I'll post them each as individual posts starting with this one about growing meat in labs, or I like "test tube meat"

Would you eat test tube meat?

Can PETA, Vegetarians and Vegans finally eat meat now? Nicholas Genovese, a biological engineer along with researcher Dr. Vladimir Mironov may have finally found a way to actually __grow__ meat.

Supported and funded by PETA themselves, they have spent the last 10 years researching and trying to figure out how to make an artificial meat _in vitro_. 

Now, you may be thinking "How could they grow meat without a living animal?" Dr. Genovese had this to say "Skeletal muscle fibers, we put them together, they fuse ... this is the main element of any meat."

Is it really that simple? Well, it may sound simple enough but it does seem fairly complicated as it took them 10 years to find how to do it successfully.

The advantages of something like this is that it could significantly reduce the greenhouse gases created by the various animals being held for food and also can prevent the ill-treatment and suffering of these animals. So far, there isn't really any negative effects, at least if it's grown in a lab, we know what's going inside us. With farm meat you never know if you're eating growth hormones or antibiotics, it's just meat.

So, does this stand a chance of being the "meat of the future?" or just a waste of 10 years? 

Thanks again for reading and I hope ViewsHound can accept it. If not, I'll just scrap it. =)

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