Thursday, May 26, 2011

Why are gays so hated?

Next up on the list of growing articles, my article on gays. Riiiight.... Here

There's so much hate in the world yet there is no reason for it. Today I want to focus on gays and their struggle to fit in with our society.

Thursday May 26, my school held an annual Day of Silence where students can go the whole day without talking to actually speak out against homophobia but I just wish didn't have to do this to begin with because the hate just should not exist.

The Bible says "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." But why must we follow the Bible? To me it's a fictional novel written by man, not a higher power so why must we follow it? Because other humans are too weak to believe that man runs the world, not a higher deity and that priests, pastors etc. are too damn charismatic and can win over people like nothing and introduces them into the hatred of others.

They are not always to blame mind you, parents and other adults can also pass hatred onto their children and warp their minds into believing that gays are the scum of the earth and deserve to be hung. I do tend to use graphic scenarios and harsh words at times so bear with me.

I was lucky enough to be born and raised away from hate, I was taught that everyone was equal, I was not taught colour, I was not taught sexual orientation, I was not taught of males and females, I was raised to find out on my own so I didn't have opinions in my head of what to expect if I met someone who was not the same as me and now I try to make sure people get the rights they deserve.

I was a member of my school's GSA or Gay Straight Alliance for a year before I realized they didn't really get much done and never returned for a second year but at least we did try to help change people but that's a lost cause seeing as a bunch of teenagers are not exactly gay friendly at times.

"Don't ask, don't tell", a great slogan. People do not need to know if you are gay or straight, people's private lives should be private because no one needs to know.

Gay pride parades though, they are great and I find humor in it, a bunch of gays running around having a grand ol' time just makes me smile.

But onto the topic that's the most controversial to me, gay marriage. Religious groups hate this idea, Conservative politicians hate the idea because they do not want gays to have the same rights as everyone else because it will go against the Bible and it's too Liberal.

One definition of marriage -
the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.

The correct definition of marriage -
the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of two people to live as a married couple, including the accompanying social festivities: to officiate at a marriage.

See the difference? One is the traditional man and woman which so many people are for completely and the other mentions nothing of gender, the one people gay or straight are struggling for. Why can't we just give in and let everyone marry? In Canada we have no problem with gay marriage, sure the religious would say we're ruining traditional marriage but I say so what? Traditions fail sooner or later, time to move on. Life is too short for people to try and deny people their right to love.

Love may be blind but so are humans. Once you open your eyes maybe you can see the beauty behind love no matter if it's with the same sex or not.

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